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Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday E-Design: My Work Office

Happy Monday, friends! We are already more than half way through April. Can you believe it?!  Before we know it, we'll be partying through the Memorial Day weekend. (Yup, this is how I get through this long stretch of no-holiday months post New Year's).  

So, I mentioned a week or so ago about moving into a new office space.  Unlike 6 years ago when I first started at my current job (family lawyer at a relatively small firm), my sense of design and taste is much more defined and reflective of who I am. So, with this new move, I am super excited to spruce up my space so that it looks more like me.  Does that make sense?! 

I want my office to feel bright, which it already is due to plenty of windows and lots of natural light coming in, with splashes of bright blues and light grays to balance the brightness.  (I'm obsessed with blue these days).  I also want some live plants but may just default to a faux one since plants and I don't really get along.  Here are some things I want for my office (some items, I already have, which is a good start!).  

Philly CityscapeHanging Bird Mirror (have); Gold Dipped Bowl (have); Faux lavenderRhino (have); Display Ledge (have).  

Keep Calm(have); Photo FrameMonogrammed Mug(have); Cork Board  (have a much better priced one from Homegoods); Tray.

And somewhere among these, I will have my diplomas and other law stuff that are nicely framed thanks to my in-laws (one of their super duper gifts to us when we moved back to PA from NJ).  

So, there you have it.  Hopefully, I'll have a nice looking office within a week or two.  And then move onto another project.  

How about you?  Any design projects in the plans?  

1 comment:

  1. Oh so many projects that I want to have in the works!! One of these days. :) I love all of these ideas!!


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